Precision GeoSurveys Inc. is dedicated to providing superior geophysical data at competitive prices. For clients requiring reliable interpretation and application of their spectrometric and magnetic data, Precision recommends the independent services provided by GamX Inc.
GamX Inc. President Rob Shives (formerly, Head, Radiation Geophysics Section, Geological Survey of Canada) has 30 years experience in applying the data to a wide variety of commodities in various geological settings. Add value to your data!
GamX also offers field follow-up assistance, training, and workshops. GamX Inc. can be contacted at:
T. 613-989-3272,
M. 613-882-1755.
Navigation and communication devices
Airborne Geophysical Consulting
Software and solutions for exploration
Prediction of magnetic storms
Geophysical instrumentation
Geophysical consulting and inversions
Aerial mapping by UAV
The Northern Professionals
Radon technology for uranium exploration
Prediction of magnetic storms
Alaska's finest helicopter charter services
Geophysical and environmental instrumentation and systems
Environmental investigation and remediation
Geophysical instrumentation
Geophysics Explained
The business of uranium